Friday, August 22, 2008

What's the Rush?

Yesterday I got the first Rock Band Community Zine. The big announcement in this issue is the full album downloadability of Rush's Moving Pictures (which has Limelight, my favorite). The downloads will be available next Tuesday, the 26th, and there's a new interview to go with it.

If this is supposed to make me feel better about my XBox version of Rock Band 2 being delayed to October 19, does, a little. It's for the best anyway, I guess, I don't think I could handle Rock Band 2 and the Spore launch in the same month. (And I wonder, is it any coincidence that Warhammer Online's open beta begins on September 7, the same day as Spore's launch?)

It's not a great week for delay announcements, with Harry Potter being delayed to July 2009 (rumors on why are plentiful, this one's my favorite. /sigh), and The Watchmen on the ropes (THANKS, Fox...). But hey, if bad news comes in threes, we're all set!

Also, this gives me some time to start practicing Rock Band vocals. I figure it'd be nice to get up to speed on another instrument, and forays into the wild world of hard-level guitar have been dubious, though not as dubious as my dealings with the drumset. That leaves vocals, and while I do NOT have a singing voice, Rock Band vocals are mercifully all about pitch.

PS - It's not too early to start thinking about what comes AFTER Rock Band 2!

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